Immersive photography


Tendency to virtual

How the real can be figuratively represented, and the tendency of this representation.
Speaking of "representation" means the result of the action of representing, (what the viewer sees), not the action of representing (what the operator, photographer or videomaker does)

For the first table, the parameters common to each type of representation of reality are defined.
These parameters are: the shot, the angle of view and the point of view.
So an indication of how they can vary through interaction.

For the second table, in addition to the aforementioned parameters, a further one is inserted: the time.
This allows us to include other mediums such as cinema (video) or immersive videos.

All this is a construction, a synthetic identification, or a way of seeing a tendency to virtual in the representation of a space.

  • Point of view = fixed
  • Framing = fixed
  • Angle of view = fixed
  • Point of view = fixed
  • Framing = variable
  • Angle of view = variable
  • Point of view = variable
  • Framing = variable
  • Angle of view = variable


Below is an example of photographic virtual reality. It is not exactly "authentic", it is simulated by the software which is based on a "depthmap" created especially for the room.
It is therefore a simulation, and it can be seen from the fact that however accurate the depthmap is , many objects and some visuals appear distorted or without thickness (for example the frames of the paintings).
But it gives a vision in which we perceives that the point of view is shifted.
Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Roma. Sala dei Veneti - 2013.

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© Toni Garbasso